Nonfiction and interviews.

In addition to my work as a fiction writer, I also write short-form nonfiction, reviews, and interviews, mostly about urbanism, arts and culture in the Midwest. Here are some of my favorite recent assignments.

Books and authors.

‘I’ll Eat You to Live’: A Conversation With Poet Tiana Clark

‘I’ll Eat You to Live’: A Conversation With Poet Tiana Clark

An interview with Tony Tulathimutte (Playboy)

An interview with Tony Tulathimutte (Playboy)

A conversation with novelist Amanda Goldblatt

A conversation with novelist Amanda Goldblatt

Art and design.

What It Is To Become: The Astonishing Art of Patrick Quarm

What It Is To Become: The Astonishing Art of Patrick Quarm

Anything That Can Be Painted: The Singular Voice of Ellen Rutt

Anything That Can Be Painted: The Singular Voice of Ellen Rutt

Detroit’s Been Cool: A conversation with multimedia artist Tiff Massey

Detroit’s Been Cool: A conversation with multimedia artist Tiff Massey

A conversation with artist Damon Davis on his new commission, Sad Panther

A conversation with artist Damon Davis on his new commission, Sad Panther

Art Only the Universe Can Make: Christine Corday’s ‘Relative Points’

Art Only the Universe Can Make: Christine Corday’s ‘Relative Points’

Film and Theater. 

Where Gender Non-Conformity and Geek Culture Collide: A conversation with the documentarians behind “Transgeek”

Where Gender Non-Conformity and Geek Culture Collide: A conversation with the documentarians behind “Transgeek”




Why I’m Not a Cyclist.

Why I’m Not a Cyclist.

Stop saying that making our cities better, safer places to live isn’t “sexy.”

Stop saying that making our cities better, safer places to live isn’t “sexy.”

Who Can Afford to Invest in a Poor Neighborhood?

Who Can Afford to Invest in a Poor Neighborhood?

Where Bicycles Meet Race: A Conversation with Dr. Adonia Lugo.

Where Bicycles Meet Race: A Conversation with Dr. Adonia Lugo.

For inquiries regarding national publication opportunities,
please contact my agent, Jin Auh, at jauh [at] wylieagency [dot] com.

For inquiries regarding publication opportunities in the greater St. Louis region,
please visit my contact page.